Monday, August 18, 2008

Week 1: Ending Mirror

Mirroring the effect of the C4 explosion at the end of my original found clip.

I nearly forgot about this clip and here it is. Did the credit roll at the end with Vegas.

This is a video that I did during the last week since blogger doesn't let you shift your posts around, i decided to just throw this video here. It's to express the notion of what it would be like to not see what sort of explosion is happening when all you can see is a wall.

Please ignore the ending, I was sort of bored and shot the RPG into the wall and killed myself, but it seems like it was a delayed explosion that comes out of nowhere and killed me. This can be deduced because I was only facing the wall and had limited vision and no idea what was happening.

Though, from this you can see that even if you saw the rocket hit the barrel, there is no idea of what was below that barrel and what those after explosions where. Though from my above explanation of me killing myself, I conclude that hiding and having limited vision is worse than seeing what is happening around you.
Rachel Carson quotes
“One way to open your eyes is to ask yourself, 'What if I had never seen this before? What if I knew I would never see it again?'” -

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